Read more about our outdoor bootcamps in Risskov – Sjette Frederiks Kro



A lively and multi-functional location that offers everything from beach training at Den Permanente to challenging hills in the sheltered hilly terrain of the forest.
Whatever the season, we provide varied training environments that motivate and boost your energy.
Experience the dynamics and train with a view of nature and intimacy.



Sjette Frederiks Kro, 8240 Risskov.
(See exactly where on the map below)


Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am.


There will be a maximum of 20 participants in a team.


According to the season.

Located in the scenic area of Risskov by Sjette Frederiks Kro, you get a unique and multifunctional training experience.
This idyllic location provides the perfect starting point for a wide range of training options that utilize both the depths of the forest and the open spaces of the beach.

Our training sessions start at Sjette Frederiks Kro, from where we can move down to Den Permanente to train on the beach.
Training in the sand provides an extra challenge for the muscles, improves balance and stability, and increases the intensity of each exercise.
The beach also offers a breath of fresh air and a beautiful view that really inspires physical activity.

From the beach we move further into the forest to the playground.
Here you can train sheltered from the wind and utilize the natural hills for an intensive cardio workout.
The forest area provides a varied backdrop and adds a new dimension to every training session.

The Sjette Frederiks Kro area is known for its vibrant atmosphere.
Regardless of the season, the surrounding natural areas ensure that it is always lively and inviting.
The many bright spots in the area provide a safe, vibrant and pleasant atmosphere.

Train with us at Sjette Frederiks Kro and discover how varied terrain and beautiful surroundings can turn your training into an experience.
Whatever the weather, this location offers the perfect combination of challenge and natural moments to boost your training and well-being all year round.


AARHUS - MINDEPARKEN Tuesdays and Thursdays 17:00-18:00
AARHUS - THEGYM Mondays and Fridays 6:00-7:00 am
AARHUS - ØGADERNE Tuesdays and Thursdays 19:00-20:00
SKÆRING - SKÆRING SCHOOL Mondays and Wednesdays 18:30-19:30
ÅBYHØJ - THE HEALTHY HOUSE Mondays and Thursdays 19:00-20:00
ÅBYHØJ - STATSGYMNASIET Mondays and Wednesdays 17:00-18:00
ÅBYHØJ - ÅBY PARK Thursdays at 17:00-18:00
AARHUS - BOTANICAL GARDEN Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
AARHUS - MINDEPARKEN Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
AARHUS - PAKHUS77 Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
AARHUS - THEGYM Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
FIREARMS Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
RISSKOV - SIXTH FREDERIKS KRO Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
RISSKOV - ÅKROGEN BEACH PARK Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am
HØJBJERG Weekend (rotating) 9:00-10:00 am